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"Entre tes mains: À l'École des Lilas" is a book in which you are the hero for children aged 7 to 10 promising to help them discover their inner courage in the face of bullying. They will be transported to a world where challenges await them: every action counts and every word carries weight. In this way, the child's choices will influence the course of the story.

The shadow of bullying looms large, but our heroes are ready to confront it and transform their school into a place of respect and kindness.

The magic of this book lies in the way children learn that their voice can be a positive force.

  • Type

    Book in which you are the hero

  • Number of pages


An experience unpublished

Dive into a revolutionary literary experience with Entre tes mains: À l'École des Lilas! Never before has a book combined a board game and a book in which you are the hero.all in one captivating story.

The power to act

The shadow of bullying looms large, but our heroes are ready to confront it and transform their school into a place of respect and kindness.

The magic of this book lies in the way children learn that their voice can be a positive force.

"Entre tes mains: À l'École des Lilas is an interactive game. Putting children in realistic situations, they will discover that the simplest gestures can have an impact on their environment.

Based on real-life situations

With the help of personal accounts, this book has been written to provide children with the keys to success.


To get the best possible treatment of this subject, we went to meet professionals working in the field of bullying at school to produce a book that reflects reality.

All points of view

Through the stories, the reader is confronted with all possible points of view on bullying (bullied, bully, observer).
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YANJIN is a dynamic publishing house based in Paris.. Founded by a passionate team of five individuals, our mission is simple: to change the world through innovation and people.

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